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Chakra 2: The Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)

The second chakra of our seven inner body chakra system is the sacral chakra or svadhisthana chakra. The Sanskrit translation of the sacral chakra means "where the self is established" sva (the self) and adhisthana (established/dwelling space). This is fitting as the sacral chakra holds our creativity and our feelings which make up a large part of our individual "ego".

Together we will explore:

  • A few facts about the Sacral Chakra

  • Common imbalances in the Sacral Chakra

  • Tips on how to bring more balance to this energy centre

Subscribe to my mailing list and receive a FREE Sacral Chakra Cellphone Wallpaper. These wallpapers can be used for meditations designed to help you harness the energy of each inner body chakra.

Facts about the Sacral Chakra

  • The Sacral chakra is located in the lower abdomen region. It is also associated with the ovaries & testes, lower back, kidneys and bladder.

  • This energy centre focuses primarily on our feelings, emotions, sensitivity and our awareness of them. This is why, this chakra is often associated with the "water element". Think of water as representing the fluidity of our emotional energy body.

  • Clairesentience, which is the intuitive "gift" of "clear feeling" (which everyone is capable of developing) is also associated with this chakra. With the location of this chakra being in the "gut" we can begin to understand why our "gut feelings" are usually right and how they actually work with this chakra. If this chakra is out of balance, we can sometimes feel as though we don't trust our gut/intuition. This chakra allows us to tune into our own clairesentience and understand other peoples emotions as well as our own.

Common Imbalances of the Sacral Chakra

  • Codependency

  • Creative blocks

  • Issues from stuck, stored or unexpressed emotions

  • Addictions to carbohydrates (gluten based carbs)

  • Shopping addictions

  • Under or Over emotionalism

  • Colitis

  • Appendix disorders

  • Kidney problems

  • Fertility issues

  • PMS

  • Ovarian disorders

  • Uterine problems

Could you have an unbalanced Sacral Chakra?

Answer the following questions to help you evaluate the health of your Sacral Chakra. These questions can help you to determine potential imbalances in your sacral chakra which we can address next.

  1. Do you easily get flustered by your emotions?

  2. Does your creativity flow easily for you?

  3. Do you tend to hold onto guilt or find yourself often feeling ashamed?

  4. Do you take the time for self gratifying activities?

Tips on Bringing Balance the Sacral Chakra

Colours: Visualizing the colour orange can help you to feel into your sacral chakra. An easy way to do this is to work with your FREE Sacral Chakra Wallpaper when you subscribe to my mailing list. Begin to also incorporating more orange colours in your daily life through the way you dress or in your home design.

Crystals: The best crystals to work with when trying to bring balance to your sacral chakra are:

  • Orange Carnelian

  • Sunstone

  • Amber

  • Aragonite Star Crystal

  • Goldstone

Food: Since a main imbalance in this area can create addictions towards bread carbs, consider monitoring your intake on these foods and notice if you crave them mainly when you are feeling emotional. Sometimes awareness of these triggers is enough to help subside the desire for such foods in excess. Moderation is always key! When you are craving those bread carbs, try yams and sweet potatoes instead. These foods are so nurturing and help to fuel your sacral chakra making you feel cozy and warm inside. Fun fact, yams and sweet potatoes are also fantastic for feminine reproductive organs and help to maintain feminine hormones. I say this because of the link between our sacral chakra and its ties with our reproductive health! Other fruit and veggies to try out include: squash, pumpkin, carrots, oranges, papayas, mangos, melons, tangerines, apricots, cranberries and passion fruit.

Making sure your body is well hydrated is also a key component in ensuring that your sacral chakra and representative organs are working optimally! Drink a minimum of 10 large glasses of water per day & more if you are working out!

Check out my delicious Butternut Squash Soup Recipe HERE and begin exploring how these orange fruits and vegetables can make you feel!

Herbs: Herbal medicines are my favourite! You can enjoy these herbs in tea form to help you balance and nourish your sacral chakra.

  • Calendula

  • Camomile

  • Lady's Mantel

  • Black Cohosh

  • Mint

  • Raspberries (especially good to use the leaves)

WARNING: Be mindful and check with your doctor before you try any herbal medicine if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or if you are on any other pharmaceutical medicines!

Sound: Singing bowls are a great tool to help you activate and feel into your sacral chakra. Try this YouTube link and listen to singing bowls in a "D" note HERE.

Singing: Sing specific mantras like "VAM" (which is the sacral chakra mantra) in a D note. Notice how this resonates in your body and if you can feel the energy in your sacral chakra becoming activated.

Essential oils: Essential oils are a great way to connect to your sacral chakra as well! My favourites for this chakra are:

  • Sandalwood

  • Neroli

  • Orange

  • Tangerine

  • Geranium

  • Rosemary

Mindfulness: Please yourself! If you feel averted about the idea of "pleasing yourself" you may be experiencing a typical blockage in your sacral chakra. An inability to let go and feel pleasure is a sure sign of a blocked sacral chakra. Begin to partake in activities you enjoy without feeling guilty about it. Try taking a warm bath with some of the essential oils that we discussed above (2-3 drops is plenty). Listen to your own needs and make sure to take time for them and, if you tend to put other peoples needs first ahead of your own (constantly!) then consider setting a time each week for some self care.

Find your inner artist and explore your own creativity. I love abstract art for the purpose of unleashing your own creative flow. Check out my YouTube video on creativity HERE for a few more helpful tips which can help you unlock your creative potential.

Yoga: If you have been following my business for any amount of time you will know how critical yoga is to my daily healthcare practice. Yoga can also be a great tool to help assist us in balancing each of our chakras. A few key poses to try to help open and clear your sacral chakra include:

  • Hips circles

  • Camel pose

  • Goddess pose

  • Cat/Cow

If you'd like to explore your sacral chakra through yoga, consider joining Yoga On DEMAND where I teach a series of yoga classes designed for each specific chakra! The photos bellow showcase the classes available for your Sacral Chakra! Join HERE.



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