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The 7 chakras explained + Tools to balance your energy centres

I first began learning about the chakra system as a young teen while flipping through the pages of books found in my mothers meditation room. She had set up this fantastic meditation area in the corner of a room which she had filled with comfortable cushions, blankets, incense, meditation CDs and books about yoga, meditation and the chakras.

As a kid, I skimmed through the books and was immediately fascinated by the colours and potential that seemed to have been unlocked within me. I of course, at that time didn't realizing that I would later form a career around healing and wellness and that the chakra system would become an invaluable tool that I would share with others.

Fast forward to present day, I have learnt a ton about the chakra system through my personal studies about Eastern philosophies and practices such as yoga, meditation, Ayurvedic medicine and other ancient healing modalities which focus on working with the energy centres of the body to heal the mind, body and spirit. I have also engaged with these energy centres through countless meditation techniques geared towards opening, aligning, balancing, healing and invigorating each of these inner body energy centres. These healing modalities work because they holistically approach the human body as primarily being a spiritual being which is an aspect quite often overlooked in western medicine. In order to heal the body completely we must take this holistic approach and take a look at the interconnectivity of health of the mind, body and spirit- otherwise we heal but only one superficial layer.

What are the Chakras?

A chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning "spinning wheel". You could think of these "spinning wheels" as revolving doors. These revolving doors (chakras) help us process the inflow and outflow of higher energies into this physical reality. Each chakras works with a very specific wavelength of energy and helps us to process and use this energy in every aspect of our daily life from diet, to mental health, self expression and soul purpose. Together we will dive into each of these chakras together through a series of blog posts following this one. Join my mailing list HERE to make sure you get notified when the next Chakra blog post is released!

You can probably now see how beneficial it is to learn about the different chakras and how they interact with our body because of the fundamental role they play in ensuring our bodies overall well-being! If we ever experience a block in any of these chakras we would be notified through certain symptoms that would indicate an imbalance. Just as our physical body let's us know when we are sick through symptoms so do our chakras and energy body. Such symptoms would include:

  • Not having a sense of life purpose

  • Feeling lost and unsure about who we are

  • Feeling disconnected, ungrounded, confused, hazy and experiences of brain fog and lack of clarity

  • Feeling tired all the time and drainer of life force energy

  • Lacking self expression or getting tongue tied

  • Not sensing the presence of our soul

  • Not being able to remember our dreams upon waking up from a nights rest

These are but a few common examples of what someone may feel like when they have an imbalance or blocked chakra system. If you would like to learn more about your chakra systems or if you'd like an energy reading then consider booking a one-on-on 30 or 60 minute Intuitive Reading with myself HERE.

When our chakras are balanced we experience an increased sense of self-worth, self-esteem and self- confidence. We gain the wisdom required to improve our overall health and well being. We experience a greater ability to heal our mental, physical, spiritual and emotional issues. We experience an increased openness, memory, concentration and awareness. We will also experience a more postive outlook on life as well as increased creativity and resourcefulness through increased perceptions of our surroundings. We also experience much better sleep which help to improve our overall well-being.

At this point it is very clear that a balanced chakra system would provide you with the life force energy and wisdom needed to live a life you want and deserve.

When our chakras are balanced this means that the energy "wheels" are operating continuously and at a steady and balanced speed required for each individual chakra. This steadiness allows the chakra to generate the perfect amount of energy in order to keep the bodies emotions in balance. If a chakra is in need of balance, we may choose to increase the speed of a specific energy centre in the body or slow down the flow of energy within a chakra.

Healing tools used to help balance each chakra

In the following blog posts you will receive information on how to balance each chakra using the following tools! Each of these tools are designed to help you activate specific chakras by engaging a few or all of your senses (sight, touch, smell, hearing & taste). This will allow you to engage with the specific chakra "ray" of light/energy and actively play with how your body processes each of these energies.


Each chakra specifically embodies a "ray" of consciousness which is translated as a light coloured frequency. With each upcoming blog post you will learn how certain colours vibrate at higher frequencies and hold either longer or shorter wavelengths of energy. When we wear certain colours or visualize them in our mind we can begin to activate a very specific light wave frequency into the body through our eyes which thus has the potential to effect our emotional body and how we are feeling in that moment. This concept is seen in bull fighting where fighters will use a red curtain to aggravate certain energies and emotional states within the bull. Similarly, light therapy and Feng Shui also use colours to boost certain energy frequencies within a space or human body in order to effect or trigger a specific emotional response in the body. This clearly demonstrates the interconnectivity of how colours effect our moods by activating certain energy frequencies in the body. As a result, we can learn how to activate or tone down our chakra energies by simply using specific colours!


Crystals works in a very similar way as colours do. A crystals atomic structure holds within it the light wave frequencies of a specific colour thus making the crystal either pink, purple, blue, indigo etc. Not only does the crystals colour represent a specific colour energy frequency but it also holds within its atomic structure physical energy which represent a frequency which can also be transmitted through our bodies energy systems. Whatever crystals you purchase and choose to work with I always recommend you cleanse your stones before using them in meditations or wearing them as jewelry.


Visually seeing, eating and digesting foods that have certain colours can also assists your chakras. If you are hoping to balance a certain chakra you can use coloured foods to help trigger and activate a specific response in the body.


Using specific herbal plant medicines can also be a fascinating way to help heal and nourish certain energy channels in the body. Every herb has a specific "energetic" which is a term used in herbalism. These herbs can be considered drying, stimulating, nourishing, cooling, warming etc. These plants work in a similar way that foods do but we would be focusing more so on the plants energetic properties rather then the colour of a plant (although this often times holds a certain correlation as well).


Just as colours hold specific energy frequency waves so do sound waves. Sound waves effect the physical body by sending specific band widths of energy to the brain which then trigger a response in the body. This is a high form of technology which was used in ancient civilizations and in more modern times. Our energy centres also resonate with specific musical notes. This is just another way that our bodies are effected by specific frequencies. If you listen to these notes on an instrument like the piano take the time to feel into the sounds designated chakra and see if you notice a resonance there.

  • C = Root

  • D = Sacral

  • E = Solar Plexus

  • F = Heart

  • G = Throat

  • A = Third Eye

  • B = Crown


Similar to hearing sounds we can also use sounds by singing certain notes or mantras associated with each chakra in order to build a certain resonance within the physical and energetic body. In our next blog posts I will begin to share specific mantras you can chant to activate your voice and create energy within the body.

Essential Oils:

Our nose is also capable of taking in specific information that helps us to fuel the body with certain energies. Using 100% pure essential oils is a great way to begin using scent to help balance our chakra system. I enjoy using an oil diffusers or dabbing a few drops of oil directly on my skin to help enhance specific energies in my body.


Masaru Emoto discovered how specific thoughts effected the anatomic health of cells within the human body as well as within other elements such as water. In his studies, he noticed that when he prayed and sent loving energy over water and then froze the water the crystals developed were beautifully symmetric. Similarly, when he spoke negatively to the water and froze it the crystals would form mutations and unsymmetrical shapes. This intrigued him and his experiences expanded to foods and the human body. He recorded similar responses with his studies on foods which would either mold and go bad or hold a longer shelf life depending what energetic thoughts were sent to the food in question. This demonstrates how mindfulness is crucial to spiritual development and has the potential to activate certain energy channels within the body. I'd like to encourage you all to look into and read a few of Masaru Emotos studies- they are fascinating. Thoughts are things and the thoughts you think hold certain frequencies that effect your life. If you're interested in developing a more meaningful mindfulness practice then consider joining my 30-day Mindfulness challenge as part of my Community Forum which starts September 1st 2022. This community is dedicated to helping it's members achieve their health, wellness and lifestyle goals. You can access this challenge by becoming a Community Forum Member or by joining Yoga On DEMAND which includes full Community Forum access built into the plan. Join us HERE and become a member.


Yoga is one of my favourite ways to increase the flow of life force energy into my chakra centres. When we stimulate certain areas of the body we can help move and also build up certain energies within these energy centres. Yoga is also a great way to help release tension and stagnant energies locked into certain parts of the body. Tension held in the body can be caused by an imbalance in the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical bodies which can effect the way we feel in everyday life. I will be sharing a few wonderful yoga poses you can try to help circulate the flow of energy in each chakra. If you're interested in learning more about yoga or deepining your existing practice consider joining me on the mat. We meet LIVE every Monday-Friday at 9AM EST. Join us by subscribing to Yoga On DEMAND HERE.

I hope this blog post has inspired you to learn more about how the energy body and chakra system play a role in our lives and can be used to increase our health and well-being. Please let me know if you have any questions! I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Love & Light,

Renelle B



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